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04 Jun 2024 19:31:48
Ed002, can I ask your views on the whole city suing the premier league story. Is this them fighting the 115 charges or a completely separate issue? Any insight would be appreciated.


{Ed002's Note - It is a completely separate issue to the case of the 115 charges whick will be heard in the autumn. Their objection is in respect to the sponsorship rules, more specifically the "associated party transaction" rules which deal with restricting the amount of sponsorship clubs can be given by businesses that are associated with their owners. They want the rules scrapped - which won't happen - and they want compensation for lost sponsorship - which won't happen. What may happen is an independent review of the rules given they were amended after the take over of Newcastle - perhaps without full consideration.

They have also made a separate claim regarding the voting rules whereby 70% of clubs should vote for any proposal to amend rules. I say "should" rather than "must as there have been exceptions. For example, when the proposal asked for the change to five substitutes to be endorsed, there were only nine of the required 14 in favour of it. The objections were based on many sides having a far stronger depth of squad it would be giving them an advantage. Yet it got through.

And thank you for asking on the correct page.}




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10 Aug 2021 08:04:49
Ed001, just read your profile on Grealish from last year. Have you seen anything change in him where we may hit is potential?
Is pep the right coach for him to try and balance his career and lifestyle?


{Ed001's Note - from what I saw nothing really changed, but I think the problem was that he was the central figure there. Everything went through him and he was expected to make things happen, so he would be trying too hard to make it happen, rather than sometimes just playing the simple ball. That will change at City, especially with Pep, who expects players to play for the team, not for themselves. The only issue is that he might carry on trying too hard, only this time to make a good impression, and end up still delaying the release of the ball.

Lifestyle wise, I am not sure Pep is the right man, he is far too weak to get on top of his players and keep them in line. Just ask the likes of Walker and Mendy, who are far from model professionals in their lifestyles.}



16 Aug 2020 09:10:38
Ed001 your thoughts on pep and city getting knocked out?
They seem to have a mental block in the competition and pep set his team up all wrong by the sound of it. They should of gone and taken the game to Lyon and I think they would of probably won.
But I’m amazed pep isn’t getting more heat for this season, a league cup after their outlays should be seen as a huge failure. And by the way he’s talking he needs more changes for them to compete, maybe it’s who he is buying that’s the issue!


{Ed001's Note - Pep has always had a problem with trying to be too clever. He gets away with it, usually, in the league, as his team is so much better than the opposition. In the Champions League the teams are a much higher overall standard, so his attempts often backfire. His problem is that he is not a good tactician, he just gets players playing one tactic really well. When he tries to do something different, his team struggles every time, but Pep still insists on trying these ideas he has, no matter how many times they flop.

He won't get heat because he is Pep, beloved of the media and pundits. He should have been getting heat all season for some of the abysmal league performances his team put in. He will just try and spend his way out of it and the moment he realises it is no longer working for him, he will run away to another team, where he will once again be the superhero coming in to be hero-worshipped.}

1.) 17 Aug 2020 17:48:36
I read something the other day where his main go to 11 is practically all inherited.
There is no problem with that but when you’ve spend that much you’d think there would be more of his buys involved.
Also ed001, what did you make of the second goal for Lyon, should it of been disallowed? Personally I thought it wasn’t a foul.

{Ed001's Note - his recruitment is abysmal mate. Hundreds of millions on multiple full-backs and none have been any good.

I didn't see the game and haven't seen the goals. I have little interest in European games unless Liverpool are playing. I find European competition boring personally. So I have no idea about the goals, sorry.}



20 Jul 2020 19:46:24
Ed001, don’t know how true it is but just seen city are close to signing Ake. Thoughts? Is this not pep up to his usual tricks of buying poorly or do you think there is a player in there? I’m guessing being homegrown is also a reason in the purchase.


{Ed001's Note - he is the kind of player Pep loves, he doesn't really care about their defensive attributes, Pep wants players to be good on the ball first and foremost. Then he wants them to be flexible and able to play a number of different roles and positions, Ake can certainly do that. Ake is not the best defender by any means, but they need a player like him to provide a bit of utility as they suffer so many defensive injuries. I would think it is Mendy who is the one who would be looking over his shoulder as Laporte is left-sided too. Ake's defensive weaknesses won't really get exposed too much with City, like they have been at Bournemouth, and they will play to his strengths on the ball. Unless he also suffers injuries, I would think he will do well there, though I doubt his defending will improve any, but he will learn how to use tactical fouls.}




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17 Aug 2020 17:48:36
I read something the other day where his main go to 11 is practically all inherited.
There is no problem with that but when you’ve spend that much you’d think there would be more of his buys involved.
Also ed001, what did you make of the second goal for Lyon, should it of been disallowed? Personally I thought it wasn’t a foul.


{Ed001's Note - his recruitment is abysmal mate. Hundreds of millions on multiple full-backs and none have been any good.

I didn't see the game and haven't seen the goals. I have little interest in European games unless Liverpool are playing. I find European competition boring personally. So I have no idea about the goals, sorry.}